Выбор языка
Кисти,стили → Kodak 400 - Mobile & Desktop Lightroom PresetsДобавил GFX_Muawia | 22-02-2025, 01:26 | Мнений: 0 | Заглянули 16
![]() Kodak 400 - Mobile & Desktop Lightroom Presets 2 XMP | DNG | 3 MB Исходники PSD → Blender to Resolve Video CourseДобавил GFX_Muawia | 22-02-2025, 01:24 | Мнений: 0 | Заглянули 16
![]() Blender to Resolve Video Course Resources (Demo EXR's) | LUTs | Subtitles | 4.1 GB 7 .mp4 / 1440p / 60fps | Over 4 Hours | 7 Masterclasses LUTs for Resolve (AgX, Filmic & more) | 37 .cube files Have you ever wanted to include DaVinci Resolve into your 3D rendering pipeline for color grading but didn't know where to start? Get this 4-hour course by Gleb Alexandrov and learn how. Шрифты → Crafter's Font Bundle - 20 Premium Handwritten FontsДобавил GFX_Muawia | 22-02-2025, 01:22 | Мнений: 0 | Заглянули 17
![]() Crafter's Font Bundle - 20 Premium Handwritten Fonts 20 TTF | 20 OTF | 20 WOFF | 20 WOFF2 | 3 MB Векторные клипарты → Vertical Lockup Grid Script for IllustratorДобавил GFX_Muawia | 22-02-2025, 01:20 | Мнений: 0 | Заглянули 15
![]() Vertical Lockup Grid Script for Illustrator JSX | 9 KB Achieving perfect spacing between your logo and tagline or vertical lockups can be challenging. The alignment must feel balanced, the spacing consistent, and the composition flawless. But manual adjustments are time-consuming and prone to error. Vertical Lockup Grid takes the hassle out of the process and saves you valuable time. Шрифты → Bliss Script - New Stylish Trendy FontДобавил GFX_Muawia | 22-02-2025, 01:17 | Мнений: 0 | Заглянули 18
![]() Bliss Script - New Stylish Trendy Font 4 TTF | 4 OTF | 1 MB Исходники PSD → Floria - Botanical ElementsДобавил GFX_Muawia | 22-02-2025, 01:15 | Мнений: 0 | Заглянули 14
![]() Floria - Botanical Elements 58 Transparent PNG | 6 JPG | 233 MB Исходники PSD → Game Rig Tools 4.2/4.3 for BlenderДобавил GFX_Muawia | 22-02-2025, 01:13 | Мнений: 0 | Заглянули 16
![]() Game Rig Tools 4.2/4.3 for Blender | 1 MB Exporting your character from Blender to a Game Engine is hard. Especially if you don't understand the underlying tech (and frankly, who does?) exporting to a game engine can feel like a minefield. Why do my animations look different after export? Why is my character distorted? Why are there more bones than I need? That's why we created Game Rig Tools (GRT). I spent countless hours testing different ways to export characters from Blender to Game Engines. And when I figured out the most reliable workflows, a coder friend helped me automate them and compline them into this Blender addon. Now you too can export optimized rigged characters with ease! Шрифты → Kids Font Bundle - 8 Premium FontsДобавил GFX_Muawia | 22-02-2025, 01:11 | Мнений: 0 | Заглянули 13
![]() Kids Font Bundle - 8 Premium Fonts 8 OTF | 3 MB Исходники PSD → NomNom - Website Template For Food Recipe and Blog - Figma TemplateДобавил GFX_Muawia | 22-02-2025, 01:09 | Мнений: 0 | Заглянули 15
![]() NomNom - Website Template For Food Recipe and Blog - Figma Template Figma FIG | 16 MB Исходники PSD → Optic 0.9.3 for BlenderДобавил GFX_Muawia | 22-02-2025, 01:07 | Мнений: 0 | Заглянули 19
![]() Optic 0.9.3 for Blender | 2 MB Optic is our generative tools for designers, that let you iterate, ideate and shade at a much faster pace. It takes care of the time consuming part of developing a design proposal to let you focus on the parts that actually matter most! |